
Getting Started

Use this chapter if you want to start sending out emails right away. The steps in this chapter show you how to set up a list of your contacts, and send emails to them.

Note: Interspire Email Marketer should already be set up and configured on your server. If you are in doubt, check with your system administrator or whoever is in charge of the server.

The other steps listed are not necessary, but allow you to perform additional, useful tasks.

Follow the links to other parts of this user’s guide for information on how to complete each step.

  1. Log in to Interspire Email Marketer.
    Use your username and password to access Interspire Email Marketer.
    See Logging In to Interspire Email Marketer.

  2. Set up a contact list.
    Create a list to hold information about your contacts (the people to whom you send your emails). You can also configure the following:

    • Your name, email address, and other contact details.
    • Your company’s name, address and phone number.
    • Where bounced emails should be sent.
    • Which custom fields you want to use
    • Which fields you want to see when you view the list.
      See Creating and Editing Contact Lists.
  3. Create custom fields
    If you want to collect a specific type of information about your contacts, you can create a custom field to hold the information.

    • You can specify the kind of field you want to make (text box, drop‐down list, check box, and so on), and a variety of other settings.
    • You can also specify whether or not the field should be mandatory (if a field is mandatory, it must be filled in before you can successfully add a contact to the list).
      See Creating and Editing Custom Fields.

    Note: Skip this step if you do not want to collect information that is not covered by the built‐in fields.

  4. Add contacts to your contact list.
    Manually add information about one or more people to whom you want to send emails. You can also upload a file containing contacts’ information, if you have one.
    See Adding or Editing a Contact.

  5. Create a signup form.
    Use Interspire Email Marketer to create an HTML form you can add to your website that allows people to add their information to your contact list.
    See Creating and Editing Forms.

    Note: Skip this step if you do not want to allow people to sign up to join your contact list.

  6. Place the signup form on your website.
    Add the HTML form you created in step 5 to a page on your website.
    See Adding a Form to Your Website.

    Note: Skip this step if you did not create a form in step 5.

  7. Create an email campaign.
    Email campaigns control the emails you sent to the contacts on your contact list.

    • Specify whether you want to send an HTML email, a plain‐text email, or both (known as “multipart”).
    • Design the HTML and/or text components of the campaign. Use the built‐in templates, modify a template, or build your own from scratch.
    • Write your email’s text content.
    • Use custom fields, if required.
    • Activate the email: allow it to be sent to your contacts.
    • Validate your email, if required: check how it looks in popular email clients.
    • Preview your email, if required: send a test copy to your own email address.
    • Save the campaign.
      See Creating and Editing Email Campaigns.
  8. Send your campaign to your contacts.
    Select the contact list to which you want to send the email campaign, and send it out to the contacts belonging to the list.
    See Sending Email Campaigns.

  9. Check statistics about your campaign.
    Find out how many of your emails reached their targets successfully, how many were opened, and a variety of other statistics.
    See Viewing Email Campaign Statistics.

    Note: Skip this step if you do not want to view statistics about your campaign.

  10. Create Surveys.
    Gather information and feedback from your contacts about your products, services, and others through a survey.
    See Surveys for more information.

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