
User Account Statistics

Viewing User Account Statistics

To view statistics about Interspire Email Marketer’s user accounts, click Statistics in the navigation bar, then click User account statistics.

Note: Configure user accounts in the User account screens; see Viewing and Managing User Accounts.

This screen shows an overview of your contact lists, and some basic statistics about each. You can View an user account’s detailed statistics.

Viewing User Account Statistics

UsernameThis displays the user’s Interspire Email Marketer username.
Full nameThis displays the user’s full name.
Activity statusThis displays Active if the user may log into Interspire Email Marketer and send emails.
This displays Inactive if the user exists in the system, but may not log in or send emails.
User typeThis displays the user’s privilege level. See User Privileges for more information.
ActionClick View to see detailed statistics about the user. See Viewing Detailed User Account Statistics.

Viewing Detailed User Account Statistics

To view detailed statistics about a user account, click Statistics in the navigation bar, then click Contact list statistics. Click a contact list’s View link.

Note: See Using the Detailed Statistics Screens for further information on these screens.

The Detailed contact list statistics screen displays at the Contacts snapshot tab.

The following table describes the tabs in this screen.

Detailed User Account Statistics

User account statistics (snapshot)Use this tab to see statistics about the user’s creation date and last login date, the number of email campaigns, autoresponders and contact lists the user has created, and the number of opened and bounced emails the user has sent out.
Emails sentUse this tab to view the number of emails the user has sent in a given period.
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