
Custom Fields

Viewing and Managing Custom Fields

To view an existing custom fields you already created, click Contact lists in the navigation bar, then click View custom fields. This screen allows you to view and manage all the custom fields configured in Interspire Email Marketer.

You can create, edit and delete custom fields in this screen.

Viewing Custom Fields

Viewing Custom Fields

Viewing Custom Fields

Create a custom fieldClick this to define a new custom field. See Creating and Editing Custom Fields for information on the screens that display.
Delete selectedSelect a box belonging to one or more fields, then click this button to delete the selected fields.
select boxes iconSelect a box belonging to a field before clicking the Delete selected button.
Select the box at the top of the column to select all fields.
Custom fieldThis displays the name of the custom field.
CreatedThis displays the date on which you created the custom field.
TypeThis displays the type of custom field. See Creating and Editing Custom Fields for information on the types of custom fields available.
MandatoryThis displays Yes if a contact must complete this field to be added to the contact list.
Action- Click Edit to modify a custom field. See Creating and Editing Custom Fields for information on the screens that display.
- Click Delete to remove a custom field from Interspire Email Marketer.
The field cannot be retrieved.

Creating and Editing Custom Fields

Take the following steps to create a custom field:

  • Click Contact Lists in the navigation bar. Select View Custom Fields and click the Create a Custom Field button.
Create a Custom Field Type and Name

Create a Custom Field: Type and Name

  • Select the Custom field type:

    • Select Text field to create a field into which the user may enter a single line of text.
    • Select Multiline text field to create a field into which the user may enter multiple
      lines of text.
    • Select Numbers only to create a field into which the user may enter numerals only.
    • Select Pick list to create a drop‐down list box from which the user may select an
    • Select Checkboxes to create one or more check boxes from which the user may
      select multiple options.
    • Select Radio buttons to create one or more radio buttons from which the user may
      select a single option.
    • Select Date field to create a field from which the user may select a date. You can
      limit the years available for selection.
  • Enter the name for the field in the Custom field name field.

  • If you want Interspire Email Marketer to allow users to join a contact list only once they
    have completed this field, select the Is this field required? check box.

  • Click Next. The fields that display in the next screen depend upon the Custom field type you selected:

  • When you have completed the fields in this screen, click Next.

create a custom field select contact list

Create a Custom Field: Select Contact List

  • Select the contact list (or lists) in which you want to use this custom field.
  • Click Save to finish configuring your custom field. The View custom fields screen displays (see Viewing and Managing Custom Fields).

Note: To insert a custom field in an email campaign, see Inserting Custom Fields

Text Field

This section describes how to configure the screen that displays when you select Text field
in the Create a Custom Field: Type and Name screen (see Creating and Editing Custom Fields).

Configuring a Text Field

Configuring a Text Field

Configuring a Text Field

Default valueEnter the value that displays by default in the field you are configuring.

Note: If a contact fails to enter information in this field, this value displays in the contact’s contact list entry.
Apply default value to existing?Tick the checkbox to apply the default value to existing contacts in the contact list(s).
Field lengthEnter the length of the field as you want it to display on your website.
Maximum lengthEnter the maximum number of characters a contact may enter in this field.
Minimum lengthEnter the minimum number of characters a contact may enter in this field.
NextClick this to save your changes in this screen and proceed with configuring your custom field.
CancelClick this to return to the View custom fields screen. See Viewing and Managing Custom Fields.

Multiline Text Field

This section describes how to configure the screen that displays when you select Multiline text field in the Create a Custom Field: Type and Name screen (see Creating and Editing Custom Fields).

Configuring a Multiline Text Field

Configuring a Multiline Text Field

Configuring a Multiline Text Field

Default valueEnter the value that displays by default in the field you are configuring.

Note:If a contact fails to enter information in this field, this value displays in the contact’s contact list entry.
Apply Default Value to Existing?Tick the checkbox to apply the default value to existing contacts in the contact list(s)
Number of rowsEnter the number of rows you want the text field to have.
Number of columnsEnter the number of columns you want the text field to have.
NextClick this to save your changes in this screen and proceed with configuring your custom field.
CancelClick this to return to the View custom fields screen. See Viewing and Managing Custom Fields.

Numbers Only Field

This section describes how to configure the screen that displays when you select Numbers only field in the Create a Custom Field: Type and Name screen (see Creating and Editing Custom Fields).

Configuring a Numbers Only Field

Configuring a Numbers Only Field

Configuring a Numbers Only Field

Default valueEnter the value that displays by default in the field you are configuring.

Note: If a contact fails to enter information in this field, this value displays in the contact’s contact list entry.
Apply value to existing?Tick the checkbox to apply the default value to existing contacts in the contact list(s).
Field lengthEnter the length of the field as you want it to display on your website.
Maximum lengthEnter the maximum number of characters a contact may enter in this field.
Minimum lengthEnter the minimum number of characters a contact may enter in this field.
NextClick this to save your changes in this screen and proceed with configuring your custom field.
CancelClick this to return to the View custom fields screen. See Viewing and Managing Custom Fields.

Pick List

This section describes how to configure the screen that displays when you select Pick List in the Create a Custom Field: Type and Name screen (see Creating and Editing Custom Fields).

Configuring a Pick List

Configuring a Pick List

Configuring a Pick List

Instructional textEnter the text that displays to tell the user how to configure the field.
List of valuesEnter all the options the user may pick from the list.
Sort values alphabeticallyClick this to arrange the options from A to Z.
NextClick this to save your changes in this screen and proceed with configuring your custom field.
CancelClick this to return to the View custom fields screen. See Viewing and Managing Custom Fields.


This section describes how to configure the screen that displays when you select
Checkboxes in the Create a Custom Field: Type and Name screen (see Creating and Editing Custom Fields).

Configuring Checkboxes

Configuring Checkboxes

Configuring Checkboxes

List of valuesEnter all the options the user may select. Each option has a checkbox.
Sort values alphabeticallyClick this to arrange the options from A to Z.
NextClick this to save your changes in this screen and proceed with configuring your custom field.
CancelClick this to return to the View custom fields screen. See Viewing and Managing Custom Fields.

Radio Buttons

This section describes how to configure the screen that displays when you select Radio Buttons in the Create a Custom Field: Type and Name screen (see Creating and Editing Custom Fields).

Configuring Radio Buttons

Configuring Radio Buttons

Configuring Radio Buttons

List of valuesEnter all the options the user may select (the user may select only one option). Each option has a radio button.
Sort values alphabeticallyClick this to arrange the options from A to Z.
NextClick this to save your changes in this screen and proceed with configuring your custom field.
CancelClick this to return to the View custom fields screen. See Viewing and Managing Custom Fields.

Date Field

This section describes how to configure the screen that displays when you select Date Field in the Create a Custom Field: Type and Name screen (see Creating and Editing Custom Fields).

Configuring a Date Field

Configuring a Date Field

Configuring a Date Field

Default valueEnter the date (or other text) that displays before the user selects anything. You may leave this blank if you do not want anything to display.
Apply value to existing?Tick the checkbox to apply the default value to existing contacts in the contact list(s).
Display order (first/second/third)Select the order in which you want the day, enter month and year to display in each of the display fields.
Start yearEnter the earliest year the user may select.
End yearEnter the latest year the user may select.
NextClick this to save your changes in this screen and proceed with configuring your custom field.
CancelClick this to return to the View custom fields screen. See Viewing and Managing Custom Fields.
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