
Email Campaign Statistics

Viewing Email Campaign Statistics

To view statistics about email campaigns, click Statistics in the navigation bar, then click Email campaign statistics.

Note: This screen displays information about only the campaigns you have already sent out.

This screen shows an overview of your email campaigns, and some basic statistics about
each. You can:

  • View a campaign’s detailed statistics. These include statistics about the number of opened emails, links, bounced emails, unsubscribed contacts, and forwarded emails.
  • Export a campaign’s statistics to a CSV (Comma‐Separated Value) file.
  • Print a campaign’s statistics.
  • Delete a campaign’s statistics from Interspire Email Marketer. The statistics cannot be retrieved.

Viewing Email Campaign Statistics

Viewing Email Campaign Statistics

Choose an actionSelect one or more email campaigns, select an option from the list and click Go to perform the selected action.
select boxes iconSelect a box belonging to an email campaign before choosing an option from the Choose an action list.
Select the box at the top of the column to select all campaigns.
Email campaign nameThis displays the name of the email campaign.
List nameThis displays the name of the list with which this email campaign is associated.
Date startedThis displays the date and time at which the campaign started sending.
Date finishedThis displays the date and time at which the campaign completed sending.
RecipientsThis displays the number of contacts to whom the email campaign was sent.
UnsubscribesThis displays the number of contacts who subsequently unsubscribed from the contact list using the link in the email.
BouncesThis displays the number of emails sent in this campaign which could not be delivered.
Action- Click View to see detailed statistics about the campaign. See Viewing Detailed Email Campaign Statistics.
- Click Export to save a campaign’s statistics as a CSV (Comma‐ Separated Value) file. See Exporting Statistics.
- Click Print to select the campaign’s statistics you want to print, view a preview of the printed document, and send the print job to your printer. See Printing Statistics.
- Click Delete to remove a campaign’s statistics from Interspire Email Marketer. The statistics cannot be retrieved.

Viewing Detailed Email Campaign Statistics

To view detailed statistics about an email campaign, click Statistics in the navigation bar, then click Email campaign statistics. Click a campaign’s View link.

Note: See Using the Detailed Statistics Screens for further information on these screens.

The Detailed email campaign statistics screen displays at the Statistics snapshot tab.

The following table describes the tabs in this screen.

Detailed Email Campaign Statistics

Statistics snapshotUse this tab to see general information about the email campaign, as well as the number of opened, unopened and bounced emails. You can also see the percentage of emails that were opened, and the click‐through percentage.
Open statisticsUse this tab to see information about the number and percentage of emails in this campaign that were opened by their recipients. You can also see the date on which an email was opened by an individual recipient, and whether it was opened as HTML or plain text.
Link statisticsUse this tab to see information about the number and percentage of links in this email campaign that were clicked by their recipients, as well as the average number of clicks per email, and the most popular link in this campaign. You can also see which individual recipients clicked a link, and at what date and time.
Bounce statisticsUse this tab to see information about the number and percentage of undeliverable emails in this campaign, as well as the number of hard bounces and soft bounces. You can also see the type of bounce (hard or soft) for each bounced email, the exact reason that the email was not delivered, and the date and time at which the bounce occurred.

Note: Hard bounces are emails that were not delivered because of a permanent reason (for instance, the email account does not exist), whereas soft bounces are emails that were not delivered for a temporary reason (for instance, the recipient’s inbox was full).
Unsubscribe statisticsUse this tab to see information about the number of contacts who have unsubscribed using a link in this email campaign. You can also see the email address of each contact, the date and time at which the contact unsubscribed, and the month with the greatest number of contacts unsubscribing.
Forwarding statisticsUse this tab to see information about the number of contacts who have forwarded this email campaign to their friends.
Contact information statisticsUse this tab to see the list of email addresses for the contacts this email campaign is being sent to. You can also see the date and time it was sent to a specific email address or recipient.
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