

This chapter discusses how to use the Tools menu in the toolbar.


The Tools Menu

Interspire Email Marketer Tools Overview

Use the Tools screen to:

System Information

Use the Tools > System Information screen to see information about your Interspire Email Marketer server setup.

The fields in this screen are read‐only, and display the results of Interspire Email Marketer’s server setting detection process. If you want to modify the server settings that display in this screen, contact your host or service provider.

System Information

View full system infoClick this link to open a new window displaying detailed server information.
Product versionThis displays the application version number of Interspire Email Marketer.
Character setThis displays the character set used for sending emails.
Server timezoneThis displays the time zone in which Interspire Email Marketer’s server is located. If you are sure this is correct, contact your hosting service provider.

Note: If you want to change this for an individual user, use the User accounts > Edit > User settings screen’s User timezone field.
Current server timeThis displays the current time in the Server timezone.
PHP versionThis displays the version number of PHP the server is running.
Safe mode enabledThis displays whether the server is running PHP in safe mode. If PHP is running in safe mode, you cannot change the “from” address in the database.
Imap support foundThis displays whether the server supports the PHP‐IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) protocol.

Note: Interspire Email Marketer requires PHP‐IMAP to process bounced emails.
Curl support foundThis displays whether the server supports Curl.
DOM extension enabledThis displays whether the server allows you to operate on XML documents through the DOM API with PHP.
GD versionThis displays whether the server supports the PHP graphics library GD. Interspire Email Marketer uses the GD library to create the CAPTCHA images you can insert in website forms.

Note: If the GD graphics library is not supported, it is possible to use other methods to generate CAPTCHA images.
Mod security enabledThis displays whether the ModSecurity open‐source web application firewall is supported on the server. See https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity.
Server softwareThis displays the web server application the server is using. For Linux, Unix, Unix variants and Windows, Interspire Email Marketer supports Apache v1.3.2 and above. For Windows, Interspire Email Marketer also supports IIS5 and above.
Database versionThis displays details of the database management system running on the server. Interspire Email Marketer supports MySQL v4.0 and above, and PostgreSQL v7.4 and above.

Checking Permissions

To check that Interspire Email Marketer’s components have the correct permissions necessary for the application to function correctly:

  • Click Tools in the toolbar, then click Check permissions.

Checking Permissions

  • Click Start checking. Interspire Email Marketer checks your installation’s permissions.
  • When it has finished, the permissions report displays. You can use this report to assist in troubleshooting problems.

Checking Database

To check for any errors in your database:

  • Click Tools in the toolbar, then click Check Database.

Checking Database

  • Click Check Database Now. Interspire Email Marketer checks for any errors.
  • When it has finished, the error checking report displays. Use this report to troubleshoot problems.

View Error Logs

To see Interspire Email Marketer’s PHP error log, click Tools in the toolbar, then click View error logs.

Viewing Error Logs

Delete selected entriesSelect one or more entries’ checkboxes and click this to remove them from Interspire Email Marketer. Deleted log entries cannot be retrieved.
Delete all entriesClick this to remove all log entries from Interspire Email Marketer. Deleted log entries cannot be retrieved.
select boxes iconSelect one or more log entries’ checkboxes before clicking Delete selected entries.
Select the box at the top of the column to select all log entries.
SeverityThis displays the severity of the log entry (Notice, Warning or Error).
Error messageThis displays a short description of the error that caused the log entry. Click an entry’s Expand icon (expand icon) to see the full log entry message.
Error sourceThis displays the origin of the error.
DateThis displays the date and time that the error occurred.

Checking For Updates

To check whether updates to Interspire Email Marketer are available from Interspire, click Tools in the toolbar, then click Check for update.

Whether you are currently running the latest version or if an update is available, a message to those effects display.

Click OK to close the window.

Debugging Management

Configure the debugging option, download and delete log file/s of the following tabs:

  • Email debugging - tick the checkbox to enable/disable email debug. Click Save to save your changes in this screen. Alternatively, click Cancel* to return to the Home screen without saving your changes. You can manage the log file of your email debugging under the Manage Debug Log File section.
  • Bounce debugging - tick the checkbox to enable/disable bounce debug. Save your changes or Cancel without saving any changes.
    Manage your bounce debug log file under the Manage Debug Log File section.
  • Trigger email debugging - tick the checkbox to enable/disable trigger email debug. Click Save for saving changes or Cancel for cancelling changes.
  • Autoresponder debugging - tick the checkbox to enable/disable autoresponding debugging. Choose between Save or Cancel to proceed with or without changes.
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