
Split Test Statistics

Viewing Split Test Statistics

To view statistics about the split tests you have performed, including the winner of each test, click Statistics in the navigation bar, then click Split test statistics.

Note: This screen displays information about both manual and automatic split tests.

This screen shows an overview of your split tests, and the winner of each (if the test has finished sending, and tracking information has been returned). You can:

  • View a split test’s detailed statistics. These include information about the winning email campaign (based on the criteria you selected), the number of opened emails, links clicked, bounced emails, and unsubscribed contacts.
  • Export a split test’s statistics to a CSV (Comma‐Separated Value) file.
  • Print a split test’s statistics.
  • Delete a split test’s statistics from Interspire Email Marketer. The statistics cannot be retrieved.

Viewing Split Test Statistics

Choose an actionSelect one or more split tests’ checkboxes, select an option from the list and click Go to perform the selected action.
select boxes iconSelect a box belonging to a split test before choosing an option from the Choose an action list.
Select the box at the top of the column to select all split tests.
Split test nameThis displays the name of the split test.
Split test typeThis displays the type of test:
- Split test displays if you selected Find a winning email and show me the results when you created the test. The campaigns are sent to the whole contact list in equal proportion, and the winner is displayed to you.
- Best performing displays if you selected Find a winning email then send it to my list automatically when you created the test. The campaigns are sent to a small part of your contact list, and the winner is automatically sent to the rest of the list.
Sent toThis displays the name of the contact list, contact lists, or contact list segments to which this test was sent.
Emails sentThis displays the name of each email campaign that is part of this split test.
WinnerThis displays the name of the winning email campaign (based on the criterion you selected when you set up the test).
If no tracking information has been received, or all campaigns are performing equally, None displays.
If the test has not yet finished sending, Still sending displays.

Note: Place the mouse pointer over the winner’s name to see more information.
Finished sendingThis displays the date and time at which the split test completed sending the test emails.
Action- Click View to see detailed statistics about the split test. See Viewing Detailed Split Test Statistics.
- Click Export to save a split test’s statistics as a CSV (Comma‐Separated Value) file. See Exporting Statistics.
- Click Print to select the split test’s statistics you want to print, view a preview of the printed document, and send the print job to your printer. See Printing Statistics.
- Click Delete to remove a split test’s statistics from Interspire Email Marketer. The statistics cannot be retrieved.

Viewing Detailed Split Test Statistics

To view detailed statistics about a split test, click Statistics in the navigation bar, then click Split test statistics. Click a test’s View link.

Note: See Using the Detailed Statistics Screens for further information on these screens.

The Detailed split test statistics screen displays at the Statistics snapshot tab.

The following table describes the tabs in this screen.

Detailed Split Test Statistics

Statistics snapshotUse this tab to see general information about the split test, including the best‐performing email campaign, as well as:
- The number of opened emails of each type.
- The number of clicks in each email (the click‐through rate).
- The number of bounced emails of each type.
- The number of contacts unsubscribing from each email.
Open statisticsUse this tab to see information about the number and percentage of unique email opens for each email campaign in this test.
Link statisticsUse this tab to see information about the number and percentage of links in emails of each type in this test that were clicked by their recipients.
Bounce statisticsUse this tab to see information about the number and percentage of undeliverable emails of each type in this test.
Unsubscribe statisticsUse this tab to see information about the number of contacts who have unsubscribed using a link in emails of each type in this test.
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