
Email Credit Settings

Use Email Credit Settings screen to view and manage:

  • Autoresponder deduct credits.
  • Triggers deduct credits.
  • Low credit reminder emails.

Take the following steps to configure email credit settings:

  • Click Settings in the toolbar, then click Email Credit Settings. Configure your settings.

Settings: Email Credit Settings

Email Credit Settings

Email Credit Settings
Autoresponder Deduct Credits?Select this to automatically deduct credits from the user’s credit limit for any autorespnder email sent out.
Triggers Deduct Credits?Select this to automatically deduct credits from the user’s credit limit for any emails sent as result of a trigger.
Low Credit Reminder EmailsSelect this to automatically remind users to purchase more credit from you when their credit balance is nearing zero.

Note: This system only works if you use a monthly credits system.
  • Click Save to save your changes. Alternatively, click Cancel to return to the Home screen without saving any changes.
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