
Processing Bounced Emails

Bounced email processing clears your contact lists of invalid emails (see Bounced Emails).

If you use automatic bounced email processing, you do not need to perform manual bounced email processing.

Take the following steps to manually process bounced emails:

  • Click Contact lists in the navigation bar, then click Process bounced emails.
Figure 18 Processing Bounced Emails

Processing Bounced Emails

  • Select the contact list for which you want to process bounced emails and click Next.
    Alternatively, click Cancel to return the fields in this screen to their defaults without saving any changes.

  • Select the radio button stating: “Process bounces manually”.

Figure 19 Processing Bounced Emails Manually

Processing Bounced Emails: Enter Server Details

  • Enter the details of the email server you want to use to process bounced emails.

Processing Bounced Emails: Enter Server Details

Bounce email server nameIf you selected the Process bounced emails checkbox, enter the IP address or hostname of the server you want to use to process bounced emails.
Bounce email user nameEnter the username for your account on the email server you use for processing bounced emails.
Bounce email passwordEnter the password for your account on the email server you use for processing bounced emails.
Account typeSelect the type of email account you want to process your bounced emails. If you are unsure, the recommended account is POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3). The other account that can be used is IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol).
Advanced settingsSelect this if you need to configure the bounce email server account further. The following fields display:
Do not validate certificate: select this if you do not want to validate the server’s SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate.
Use this if your server uses a self‐signed certificate. If you are not sure whether your server uses a self‐signed certificate, do not select this.
Do not use TLS: select this if you do not want to use TLS (Transport Layer Security) to connect to the server. If you are not sure whether you want to use TLS, do not select this.
Do not use SSL: select this if you do not want to use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to connect to the server. If you are not sure whether you want to use SSL, do not select this.
Others: enter any other options required to connect to the server.
Empty inbox when done?Select this if you want to delete emails from the server once you have read them. If you did not save an email on your computer, you will not be able to re‐read the email.
Save bounce server details?Select this if you want to save the bounce server details for the campaign to avoud re-entering them.
  • Click Test connection & continue to begin processing bounced emails.
    Alternatively, click Cancel to return to Process bounced emails screen without saving any changes.

  • Click Start Processing. A screen displays indicating progress.

  • A screen displays with a summary of the processing operation. Click View bounce statistics to see detailed information.

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