
Text Editor

The text editor controls the text element of your document. This element is sent to the recipient in plain text.

  • If your recipient’s email client cannot display HTML emails, the text element is all the recipients see.
  • If you selected Text in the screen where you define your document, the text element is all the recipients see, even if their email clients are capable of displaying HTML emails.
  • If you selected HTML in the screen where you define your document, the text editor does not display. Select HTML and text or Text instead. There are two basic ways of using plain text emails.
  • You can use a plain text email to send the full text of your email. You can do this whether or not you also send an HTML element. If you also send an HTML element, the main text should be the same in both elements since a recipient will see only one element, and not the other.
  • When you want to send multipart emails (those with both HTML and plain text elements) you can also use the plain text element to inform recipients whose emailclients cannot display HTML emails of this fact, and to redirect them to the web‐based version of the HTML email.

Note: Most built‐in templates are multipart.

Creating a Plain Text Email

Take the following steps to build a plain text document:

  • In the editor, scroll down to the Text content section.

Create a Custom Document: Text Content

  • Specify how you want to build the text document.
    • If you want to use the built‐in text editor, select Type text into the text box below.
    • If you want to use a text file on your computer, select Upload a file from my computer. Click the Browse button that displays. A file upload window displays; locate and select the file you want to use and click OK. Click Upload. The text editor screen updates to show the new file.
    • If you want to use a file from a page on the Internet, select Import a file from a website and enter the full URL (for example, “https://www.example.com/examplepage.html”) in the field that displays. Click Import. The text editor screen updates to show the new file.
  • Edit the text manually:
    • If you selected Type text into the text box below, enter the text you want to send.
      Alternatively, click the drop-down menu at the bottom of the screen and select Get text content from editor to paste the text from the HTML editor into the plain text editor.
    • If you selected Upload a file from my computer or Import a file from a web site, you may need to edit the text for formatting so it displays correctly.

Note: Use the vertical grey line in the text editor as a guideline for your email’s maximum line width. The line represents a line width of sixty‐five characters; longer lines may be wrapped onto the next line by some email clients, making them awkward to read. However, if you are not concerned about this then you can use lines longer than sixty‐five characters.

  • Insert custom fields to add variable information to the text, such as your recipient’s email address. You can also add links to allow recipients view the online HTML version of the email, and remove themselves from the email list.

    • Click Insert a custom field to open the Custom fields window. See Inserting Custom Fields. The custom field you select is added to your document at the insertion point.
    • Click Insert unsubscribe link to place the %%unsubscribelink%% variable at the insertion point. This creates a link the recipient can click to be removed from the contact list.
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