
Managing Groups

Use the following sections to create, manage and delete your user groups:

Viewing and Managing Groups

To view and manage groups, click the Users & Groups in the toolbar, then select View User Groups.

The User Group screen displays.


User Groups Screen

User Groups

Create a User GroupClick this to create a new user group. The screen that displays is the same as the Users & Groups > Create a User Group screen.
Delete Group(s)Use this to delete group(s) from Interspire Email Marketer.
select boxes iconSelect a box belonging to a user before clicking the Delete Group(s) tab…
Select the box at the top of the column to select all user accounts.
Group NameThis displays name of the groups.
Users in GroupThis displays the total number of users created in the particular group.
Date CreatedThis is the date that the user group was created.
Action- Click View Users to see the list of users created under the particular group.
- Click Edit to edit an existing user group and configure Group Details and Group Restrictions.

You can also view, edit and delete user groups.

Creating and Editing User Groups

Take the following steps to create a user group:

  • Click the Users & Groups in the toolbar, then select Create a User Group.
    To edit an existing group, go to Users & Groups > View User Groups screen and click the group’s Edit icon.
  • The Create a User Group or Edit a User Group screen displays.

Creating or Editing a User Group

Group Details
Group NameEnter the group name of the group and ensure that it will be unique from other groups.
Group PermissionsSelect the This group should have full system administrator permissions to allow the users of the group access to all aspects of Interspire Email Marketer. Deselect this option to customize the permissions the users of the group can access.

Administrator Permissions:
- Select List Administrator to give all the users of the group access to all contact lists added to Interspire Email Marketer.
- Select Template Administrator to give all the users of the group access to all contact lists added to Interspire Email Marketer.

Autoresponder Permissions:
- Select the actions users of this group may take related to autoresponders in the Autoresponders > View autoresponders and Create an autoresponder screens.

Website form permissions
- Select the actions users of this group may take related to website forms.

Email campaign permissions
- Select the actions users of this group may take related to email campaigns.

Template Permissions
- Select the actions users of this group may take related to templates.

Contact Permissions
- Select the actions users of this group may take related to contacts in your contact lists and suppression email lists (lists of email addresses that remain in the contact list but do not receive emails).

List Permissions
- Select the actions users of this group may take related to contact lists and bounced emails.

Custom Field Permissions
- Select the actions users of this group may take related to custom fields.

Statistics Permissions
- Select the type of statistics users of this group may view.

User Related Permissions
- Select this to let users of the group specify their SMTP.

Segment Permissions
- Select the actions users of this group may take related to contact list segments. Segments are groups of contacts in a list that share certain features (such as all contacts whose addresses end in “.com”, for example.

Trigger Permissions
- Select the actions users of this group may take related to triggers.

Dynamic Content Tags
- Select this to allow users of this group take actions related to dynami content tags.

Split Tests
- Select the actions users of this group may take related to split tests.

- Select the actions users of this group may take related to surveys.
List, Segment and Template Permissions
Contact listsThis section controls the contact lists that users of this account may use. Select All contact lists to allow users of this account to use every contact list stored in Interspire Email Marketer.
Select User’s own lists plus the following lists to allow the user to access contact lists configured in the user’s account, plus the other lists that display below (if other contact lists are already configured).

Note: The other permissions in this screen also affect this section. For example, users of an account which has Edit contact lists turned off in the List permissions section will not be able to view segments for other accounts, even if they are permitted to in this section.
Segment listThis section controls the templates that users of this account may use. Select All templates to allow users of this account to use every template stored in Interspire Email Marketer.
Select User’s own templates plus the following to allow the user to access templates configured in the user’s account, plus the custom templates that display below (if custom templates already exist).

Note: The other permissions in this screen also affect this section. For example, users of an account which has View segments turned off in the Segment Permissions section will not be able to view segments for other accounts, even if they are permitted to in this section.
TemplatesThis section controls the contact list segments that users of this account may use.
Select All segments to allow users of this account to use every contact list segment stored in Interspire Email Marketer.
Select User’s own segments plus the following lists to allow the user to access contact list segments configured in the user’s account, plus the other lists that display below (if other contact lists are already configured).

Note: The other permissions in this screen also affect this section. For example, users of an account which has Edit templates turned off in the Template Permissions section will not be able to edit templates for other accounts, even if they are permitted to in this section.
Group Restrictions
Number of contact listsSelect Unlimited contact lists if users of this group may create as many contact lists as they require.
If you want to limit the number of contact lists users of this account can create, deselect this option. A Maximum number of contact lists field displays. Enter the limit you want to place on contact lists for this account.
Emails per hourSelect Unlimited emails per hour if users of this group may send as many emails as they require in each hour.
If you want to limit the number of emails users of this account can send in each hour, deselect this option. A Maximum number of emails per hour field displays. Enter the limit you want to place on emails per hour for this account.
Emails per monthSelect Unlimited emails per month if users of this group may send as many emails as they require in each calendar month.
If you want to limit the number of emails users of this account can send in each calendar month, deselectthis option. A Maximum number of emails per month field displays. Enter the limit you want to place on emails per calendar month for this account.
Total number of emailsSelect Unlimited emails if users of this group may send as many emails as they require.
If you want to limit the number of emails users of this account can send, deselect this option. A Total maximum number of emails field displays. Enter the limit you want to place on emails for this account. If you select this option, the number you enter in this field decreases as the user of the account sends emails. For example, if you enter “1000” in this field, and the user subsequently sends fifty emails, the next time you view this page the field will read “950”.
Force Double Opt-in?Select this if you want users of this group to always send a confirmation email to a new subscriber before marking them as confirmed.
Deselect this to let users of this group decide whether to send a double opt-in or not.
Force Spam Check?Select this to force campaigns and autoresponders of the users of this group to be spam checked before sending.
  • Click Save to finish setting up or editing the user group. Alternatively, click Cancel to return to the User Groups screen without saving your changes.
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