
Dynamic Content Tags

Tags Dynamic content tags allows you to personalize a block of content in your email campaign based on the value of one or more of your contact’s custom fields.

Viewing Dynamic Content Tags

Take the following steps to view details about the dynamic content tag(s) you already created:

  • Click Email Campaigns in the navigation bar, then select Dynamic Content Tags
  • The screen displays a list of content tags you have created.
  • This screen allows you to:
    • Create a dynamic content tag.
    • Delete selected content tag(s) from Interspire Email Marketer. The deleted dynamic contact tag cannot be retrieved.
    • Edit the dynamic content tag you have selected.

Viewing Dynamic Content Tags

Create a Dynamic Content TagClick this to create a new Dynamic Content Tag. See Creating Dynamic Content Tags for more information.
Delete SelectedSelect one or more content tags, click this to delete selected content tag(s) from Interspire Email Marketer.
NameThis displays the name of the dynamic content tag
OwnerThis displays the username that created that dynamic content tag.
Action- Click Edit to modify the content or conditions of your dynamic content tag.
- Click Delete to remove the dynamic content tag from Interspire Email Marketer.

Creating Dynamic Content Tags

Take the following steps to create and manage your dynamic content tag:

  • Click Email Campaigns in the navigation bar, then select Dynamic Content Tags.
  • Click Create a Dynamic Content Tag.

Creating a Dynamic Content Tag

  • Enter a descriptive name for the dynamic tag you are creating. The name will be used as a placeholder for your email content.
  • Choose which contact list(s) will the email be sent to. You can select multiple contact lists by ticking the ones you want to include.
  • Under the Content Block section, click Create a Content Block.

Create a Content Block

  • Enter the name of the content block.
  • Define the rules of your content block. These are the conditions a contact must match for the content to be personalized.

Do the following for each rule:

  • The first drop-down list contains the basic and custom fields. Select the field you want to base the rule on.
  • On the second drop-down list, select the action word (is, is not, contains, does not contain, etc.) that describes the condition of the basic or custom fields.
  • On the third drop-down list or the text field, enter or select the condition you want to personalize.

Note: Click the add icon (add_button) to insert another rule to the list, or click a rule’s delete icon (remove_button) to delete the rule from the list.

  • Tick the box if you want the newly created content block to be used when there is no content block(s) that match the criteria.
  • After configuring your rules, click Save. You will be redirected to the Create a Dynamic Content Tag screen, with the new content block. Alternatively click Cancel to return to the Create a Dynamic Content Tag screen without saving your changes.
  • Click Save & Keep Editing to save your work and continue editing your content or click Save and Exit to save changes and return to View Dynamic Content Tags screen.

Managing Content Blocks

To manage contact blocks, click Email Campaigns in the navigation bar, then select Dynamic Content Tags.

  • Choose one Dynamic Content Tag to delete or edit.
  • For editing, choose one Dynamic Content Tag you want to modify and click Edit.
  • Under the Content Blocks section:
  • Click (edit_icon) to start editing your created content block. Then, click Save to update your changes or click Cancel to disregard changes made.
  • Click (delete_icon) to delete the created content block.

Note: If you have multiple content blocks created in one dynamic content tag, you have to drag and drop them according to their priorities. Each block contains a set of rules and email content, which let the system replace the content before sending emails.

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