
Users & Groups

This chapter discusses how to use the User & Groups link in the toolbar.


The Users & Groups Menu

User & Groups Overview

Interspire Email Marketer allows you to set up and manage unlimited user and group accounts. Use different user accounts or user groups to control what different users or groups of Interspire Email Marketer may and may not do.

You may want to do this if only certain employees should have access to email lists, while other employees need to design templates or campaigns, or if you are providing Interspire Email Marketer as a service to clients who must have access to only certain areas of the application.

User Privileges

You can assign different privilege levels and settings to individual users. These include:

  • Whether users have access to the XML API (eXtensible Markup Protocol Application Programming Interface).
  • Whether users may edit their own settings.
  • Whether users should see tips.
  • Whether users should see and track their recent activities.
  • What event types can be used when logging an event for a contact.
  • Whether users may modify their SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) settings, or use the default SMTP server.
    Users who may make changes to their SMTP settings can do so using the Toolbar Settings > Email Settings screen.

Group Privileges

  • Whether group may administer and modify settings, lists, templates or users.
  • Whether users of the group may create, edit, or delete the following: autoresponders, forms, campaigns, templates, contacts, lists, custom fields, statistics, segments,triggers, dynamit content tags, split tests, and surveys.
  • Whether users of the group can specify the SMTP to use.
  • Which contact lists, segments, and templates the group may access.
  • How many contact lists each user in the group may create.
  • How many emails each user in the group can send per hour.
  • How many emails each user in the group can send per month. (Each user has account has separate credit balance.)
    At least one system adminitrator group with at least one user in it is required.
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