

Viewing Segments

Click Contact lists in the navigation bar, then click View segments.

Figure 23 Viewing Segments

Viewing Segments

Viewing Segments

Create a segmentClick this to define a new segment of one or more contact list contacts.
See Creating a Segment.
select boxes iconSelect a box belonging to a segment before choosing an option from the Choose an action list.
Select the box at the top of the column to select all segments.
Choose an actionUse this to delete one or more segments. Select the segment (or segments) you want to delete and select Delete the selected segment(s).
Segment NameThis displays the descriptive name of the segment.
CreatedThis displays the date on which the segment was defined.
ContactsThis displays the current number of contacts within the segment (those in the relevant contact list or lists, whose information matches the segment’s rules).
Action- Click View contacts to see a list of all the contacts in a segment. See Viewing a Contact in a Segment.
- Click Edit to modify a segment’s settings. The fields that display are the same as the Create a segment screen; see Creating a Segment.
- Click Copy to create a new copy of the segment. The new segment displays, with “Copy of” appended to the original name.
- Click Delete to remove the segment from Interspire Email Marketer.

Note: When you delete a segment, the contacts in the segment are not deleted.

Creating a Segment

Take the following steps to create a segment:

  • Click Contact lists in the navigation bar, then View Segments.
Creating a Segment

Creating a Segment

  • Click Create a Segment.
Creating a Segment Configure Segment

Creating a Segment: Configure Segment

  • Enter a descriptive Segment name.
  • In the Segment contacts from list, select the contact lists you want to include in the segment. You can use the search box below the list to find contact lists.
  • Choose a Match type. This controls how Interspire Email Marketer applies the rules you configure.
  • Select Match all rules (AND condition) to find only contacts who match every rule you define.
  • Select Match any rule (OR condition) to find contacts who match one or more of the rules you define.
  • Define your Segment rules. These are the conditions a contact must match to be included in the segment.

Do the following for each rule:

  • The first drop‐down list contains the fields available for the contact list (or lists) you selected. Select the basic or custom field you want to base the rule on.
  • In the second drop‐down list, select contains to search for contacts that match the information you add in the text field. Select does not contain to search for contacts that do not match the information you add in the text field.
  • In the text field, enter the information you want to search for.

Note: Click the add icon (add icon) to insert another rule to the list, or click a rule’s delete icon (delete icon) to delete the rule from the list.

  • When you have finished configuring your rules, click Save. The View segments screen displays, with the new segment in the list.
    Alternatively click Cancel to return to the View segments screen without saving your changes.

Viewing a Contact in a Segment

To view a list of the contacts belonging to a segment, click Contact lists in the navigation bar, select View segments, and then click the View contacts link next to a segment.

You can:

  • Add a new contact: add a contact to Interspire Email Marketer.
  • Delete selected contact(s): remove the selected contacts from Interspire Email Marketer.
  • Update contacts to receive text campaigns: change the status of selected contacts, allowing them to receive emails in text format.
  • Update contacts to receive HTML campaigns: change the status of selected contacts, allowing them to receive emails in HTML format.
  • Update contacts status to confirmed: confirmed contacts are those who have replied to a confirmation request email. Use this to change the selected contact or contacts to confirmed status.
  • Update contacts status to unconfirmed: unconfirmed contacts are those who have not yet replied to a confirmation request email. Use this to change the selected contact or contacts to unconfirmed status.

You can also view, edit and delete contacts.

Viewing a Segment's Contact

Viewing a Contact in a Segment

Viewing Segment Contacts

ViewThis displays the segment name. Click the triangular icon to view Contact lists or Segments.

Contact List and Segment Menu
SearchUse this to search for contacts in the segment by their email address.
Enter your search term in the text field and click the Search button.
Click Advanced search to go to the Contacts > Search contacts screen.
Add a contact to my listClick this to add a new contact to Interspire Email Marketer. The screen that displays is the same as the Contacts > Add a contact > Next screen.

Note: When you use this option, the contact is not necessarily added to the segment. The contact is added to the segment only if it fulfils the segment’s criteria.
Choose an actionSelect one or more contacts, select an option from the list and click Go to perform the selected action.
select boxes iconSelect a box belonging to a contact before choosing an option from the Choose an action list.
Select the box at the top of the column to select all contacts.
Email addressThis is the address to which emails for this contact are sent.
Date addedThis is the date this contact was added to the contact list.
Email format- This displays HTML if the contact is configured to receive HTML emails.
- This displays Text if the contact is configured to receive plain text emails.
Activity status- This displays active if emails are sent to the contact.
- This displays unsubscribed if the contact was unsubscribed from the list.- This displays bounced if emails to this contact have not been delivered, and emails are no longer sent to the contact.
Confirmed- This displays Confirmed if the contact has replied to a confirmation request email.
- This displays Unconfirmed if the contact has not yet replied to a confirmation request email.
Contact listThis displays the name of the contact list to which this contact belongs.
Action- Click View to see information about the contact. The Contacts > View contact screen displays.
- Click Edit to modify the contact’s information. The Contacts > Edit contact screen displays.
- Click Delete to remove the contact from Interspire Email Marketer.
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